Looking for volunteers for tax assistance (VITA) and Tutoring!
Looking for volunteers for tax assistance (VITA) and Tutoring!
All Accounting Society events and tutoring will be held virtually via Zoom until further notice due to public health concerns surrounding COVID-19.
‼️ We are urgently looking for volunteers for tax assistance (VITA) and tutoring! Please reach out to us at accountingsocietyhc@gmail.com for further information if you are interested‼️
Link to Application
VITA Volunteer Application (Urgently needed basic/advanced preparers!)
Tutoring Application (Urgently needed upper-level tutors!)
Mission Statement
The Accounting Society of Hunter College aims to enhance the professional, academic, and social lives of its members. The fundamental goals of the society are to establish professional culture and facilitate networking among the Hunter College accounting students, faculty and industry professionals through speaker engagement events, career building workshops and community service. The Accounting Society strives to educate its members about current accounting and business issues while simultaneously helping its members learn the hard and soft skills required to become successful business professionals and community leaders in today’s competitive business environment.
Upcoming Events
Do you want to know how to become an active member? Scroll Down ⬇️
To become an active member of ASHC, the following requirements must be met:
Attend at least 4 events (at least 5 for internal committee)
Serve as an active committee member OR be an active participant in the Hunter College VITA program.
Benefits of serving as an active member of ASHC:
Able to show society membership on resume
Preparation for a position on the Executive-Board for the subsequent school year
Allows committee member to apply to the Gateway to Professional Accounting Success (GPAS) program
Potential job opportunities
Name featured on website
Accounting Society Committees
External Committee
Responsible for recruitment and direct correspondence with guest speakers through all phases of event planning
Internal Committee (Not Effective Since Pandemic)
Responsible for event setup and cleanup on the day of the event
Tutoring Committee
Provide peer-tutoring to students in the Accounting program
Social Media Committee
Responsible for maintenance of the Accounting Society website and social media platforms
Marketing Committee
Responsible for creation and distribution of ASHC flyers and monthly newsletters
VITA Committee (Spring Only)
Hunter College Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program