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Resume/Speed Mock Interview Workshop

Are you interviewing for internships or job opportunities soon? Do you need to brush up on your interview skills? Perhaps both? The Accounting Society of Hunter College is hosting a Speed Mock Interview Night to help you! 

During this event, you will have the opportunity to interview with professionals working in the field of Accounting currently, alumni of the Hunter College Accounting program, as well as members of the Accounting Society’s Executive Board. Each interviewer has experience being interviewed for Accounting or Accounting-related positions — thus, participating in mock interviews with them accurately simulates real interviews you may find yourself in in the future! If you have interviews coming up and want to get feedback on your responses, this is a great opportunity for you. 

A Smart Casual dress code is mandatory. This dress code allows for khakis or jeans (instead of dress pants or a skirt) with the accompaniment of a business casual top and shoes. No sneakers, sweatpants, or t-shirts.

Please bring in your resumes! Your interviewer will briefly review it and ask questions accordingly. 

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Later Event: February 20
Meet and Greet